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Karnov is an action game developed by Data East for the NES in 1987.

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Karnov is an action-platformer game developed and published by Data East for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) in 1987. The game is set in a fantasy world where players control the titular character, a shirtless fire-breathing strongman named Karnov, on a quest to recover stolen treasures.

The gameplay is divided into several levels, each featuring a different environment and enemies. Karnov is armed with a limited number of fireballs and can perform a high jump, which can be upgraded with power-ups found along the way. The game also features platforming sections, where Karnov must navigate through obstacles and avoid traps.

One of the game's unique features is its use of exploration and secrets, with hidden areas and power-ups that reward players who explore the levels thoroughly. The game also features a password system, which allows players to continue their progress at a later time.

The game's graphics and sound effects were considered impressive for the time, with detailed character designs and catchy music. The game's difficulty was noted, with challenging enemies and platforming sections that required precise timing and skill.

Karnov received mixed reviews upon its release, with some critics praising its graphics and exploration, while others criticized its repetitive gameplay and lack of depth. The game's popularity led to several sequels and spin-offs, including an arcade game and a sequel for the NES. It remains a cult classic among fans of the action-platformer genre.

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