Double Dragon

$ 13.99

Double Dragon is a classic action-packed beat 'em up video game released for the NES in 1988.

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Double Dragon is a classic action-packed beat 'em up video game released for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) in 1988. The game follows the story of two brothers, Billy and Jimmy Lee, who must rescue Billy's girlfriend, Marian, from a vicious street gang known as the Black Warriors.

The game takes place across several levels, each with its unique set of enemies and challenges. Players control Billy and Jimmy as they make their way through the levels, using a combination of punches, kicks, and special moves to defeat the Black Warriors and their boss, Willy.

Double Dragon also features two-player co-op mode, where players can team up with a friend to take on the game together. In co-op mode, players can also perform powerful tandem attacks, which allow them to unleash devastating attacks on their enemies.

The game's graphics are colorful and detailed, and the soundtrack features catchy tunes that add to the excitement of the game. Players can also pick up various weapons, such as baseball bats and knives, to help them in their fight against the Black Warriors.

Double Dragon was a massive hit upon its release and spawned several sequels and spinoffs. Its fast-paced action, memorable characters, and two-player mode make it a must-play for anyone looking for a bit of retro gaming nostalgia.

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