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RoboWarrior comprises five level formats and there are 27 levels in the game. In one, the player must obtain a key before the time limit expires. 

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RoboWarrior comprises five level formats and there are 27 levels in the game. In one, the player must obtain a key before the time limit expires. In another, the key is unavailable until the player acquires a crystal or chalice. Some levels are cast in darkness, rendering obstructions invisible unless the player has a lit lamp. Still other levels are mazes in which a player must find and blast-through weak points in walls to proceed. Periodically, a player engages a boss level. Multiple bombs are required to bomb certain unconventional areas.[2] Robowarrior also features water stages.[2] Enemies respawn in each stage allowing the player to stock up on bombs.[2] ZED is controlled via an overhead viewpoint and the player can move him in four directions.[1]

In 1991, Sunsoft published a sequel to Bomber King for Game Boy, titled Bomber King Scenario 2.[3]

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